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If I delete a rubric from my sandbox, that has been course-copied into a course, will I be messing up the assignment linked to that rubric, that was course-copied from my sandbox? I think I know the answer to this but not sure......


**Since a new ID would be set to that rubric when course-copied into a new course it should not mess up any assignments, if that rubric in the sandbox is deleted**.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@CrystalSmith1 ...

Hi there.  If you have an assignment and an attached rubric in your sandbox course, and then you copy that assignment and rubric to a new course, you can safely make modifications (including deleting) to the assignment and/or rubric in the sandbox course, and it will not change anything related to the assignment/rubric in the other course.

Does this help to answer your question?

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