CAS and Login ID

Community Member

Hi Everyone,

We are new to Canvas, and attempting to understand account provisioning. We'd like to use just-in-time (JIT) provisioning, as this is convenient for a number of reasons. We use CAS. 

Ideally, we'd like to populate both the login id and the user id with the SIS id. The SIS id is globally unique, so this makes sense to us.

However, when a user signs in via CAS and their account is provisioned for the first time, the login id populates but with a value that's strips any leading zero (e.g., 12345), whereas the user ID populates as expected (e.g., 012345). 

Does anyone know why this is? Any tips for solving it? There has to be a way.

I'm admittedly no expert on CAS, so I'm not sure what corrections would need to be made on the CAS side of things, if necessary.