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Is there any rhyme or reason to the ordering of items on the Instructor To-Do List? My understanding is that they appear in the order of the assignment due date. But, is this the only ordering factor? For instance, let's say I have 3 Modules that are...

  • 1 Replies

Hi Everyone, We would like to create a completion PDF certificate in Canvas LMS and wondering whether we need to use any external tools to do that. Could we just create this certificate in HTML/CSS in a Canvas page and add a pdf button to download th...

  • 5 Replies

I just discovered a way students can access assignments, quizzes, and discussions that are in modules they do not yet have access to.   I set requirements and prerequisites for all the modules but then had a student turning in assignments that were i...

  • 2 Replies

The Total column in Canvas Grade Book is not averaging correctly for assignments imported from Pearson MyLab-Math. I have it set to percentage, but the total column is still averaging as points earned divided by points possible, then displaying that ...

  • 2 Replies

Hello,I am curious if all of previous course syllabi are on canvas or if there is anywhere I can access these?Thank you!

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I can only open canvas when I go through GISD ready hub

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Can anyone explain why a student pdf attachment uploaded to Canvas would be corrupted and the faculty not able to open?  Thank you.  

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I have had a few students inquire about emails they have received from Canvas to peer review certain discussions and assignments. However, when I check on my end, the assignments/discussions do not include the peer review portion (which is good, beca...

  • 2 Replies

Hello teamI am not a student. I was wondering if I create a discussion on a course and then set it as group discussion for a specific group of students, let's call it group A then:Will the rest of the students not in group A be able to see the discus...

  • 1 Replies

Several teachers at our school have asked if Canvas be set (at course level) so that only letter grades are visible to students. Even when a teacher sets assignments to display as letter grade in the gradebook numbers still appear to students. There ...

  • 2 Replies

Who: ASL teacher What: Teacher recorded videos of instructor signing. Each video was then uploaded into a question stem. When it comes time for students to take the quiz, they are seeing a 403 Error. This is happening with every quesion. The instruct...

  • 1 Replies

I would like to make a series of assignments in which my students will produce a short piece of writing, then go back and edit it several times. Is there any way to have students create a google doc that will automatically embed into several differen...

  • 1 Replies

I had an instructional designer ask me whether it was possible to create multiple due dates for the same assignment (for the SAME students). She mentioned she saw this in one of Canvas's release notes, but I have not been able to find anything on thi...

  • 2 Replies

My students can see their grades, but not the total. They see this:"Calculation of totals has been disabled"But the box in setting labeled "Hide totals in student grades summary" is unchecked. Is there something I'm missing?

  • 3 Replies

We have two courses that have a didactic and a clinical component.  The student has to pass both of the components to pass the course.  We can weigh each component according to the percentage of the course but cannot sub-weigh each of the components....

  • 3 Replies

I am wondering if there is a tool/option in Canvas to control resubmissions of an assignment? Specifically, having a different/additional availability window for resubmissions that is ONLY open for students who submitted work by the initial deadline?...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, how can i change the dates of multiple announcements in bulk. Kindly help with a step by step process of doing it .Thank you.

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to add Teacher Assistants to a group? It appears only students can be included in a group.

  • 1 Replies

Hi everyone! This is a multi-tiered question, so bear with me! I am working with a department outside of my own to create a handful of courses. They are wanting a way to create a "channel" with a specific email address so that all participants can be...

  • 2 Replies

I noticed a few weeks into Fall semester that my saved grading comments in the Grading Rubrics are now truncated and cut off with "..." after 100 characters. Having used these comments for awhile, this now adds to significantly to the workload of onl...

  • 1 Replies

I notice that recently the format in Quizzes for the Show Correct Answers at and Due Date are different. This is a weird inconsistency which creates problems since I used to be able to copy from one box to another to avoid having to retype the same t...

  • 1 Replies

Hello! I have tried a different browser, everything. I keep trying to add a question to a quiz and Canvas refuses to save it. I update question, publish, save and publish, the question disappears everytime. Any help?

  • 1 Replies

When I navigate to settings then to apps to download Kami or any other external app, the app center is empty. No apps are showing. I try to search but nothing. Normally a bunch of apps are present. Please help

  • 1 Replies

Hi - I am an instructor, and I typically use word minimums as part of the discussion requirements.  I see the word totals in uploaded papers, but I can't figure out how to do this with discussions.  A search of the community yielded posts that were n...

  • 2 Replies

Hello - I'm looking for a way to vary both the score and the max score for individual students on a classwork assignment. Let me explain: I want to assign a weekly classwork score for students, worth the equivalent of 3 points a day. So if they parti...

  • 3 Replies

Hello! Does anyone know if there is a way to automate manual settings in Canvas quizzes? For example, turning manual quiz and gradebook settings on or off over the weekend? Thank you!

  • 1 Replies

Hello Hive mind, Does anyone know of a way to set the default for grading to have the rubric already viewable instead of clicking "view rubric" for each student, each time we grade?

  • 1 Replies

Hello! I created several courses using the same basic template and they've been used by dozens of students in the last few months. Yesterday, I was informed that a student is unable to download documents (PDFs and PowerPoints).  The documents are sav...

  • 5 Replies

Is there a way to get scheduled Teams meetings to show up in the Canvas calendar? Obviously, the students can click on the Teams Meetings tab in the sidebar of the course, but that requires students to check every course instead of being able to see ...

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