Belinda Stutzman
Community Champion
Technology Integration
Feb 11, 2016 7:18:25 AM
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Tech Integration Specialist for Wayzata Public Schools and former Social Studies teacher.
Most Liked Posts
What does COMMUNITY mean to you?
Because I am not a person that can work alone in a silo, I seek out the power of community in all that I do. When I have fallen on personal tough times, blogs and s...
Not a big deal, but I was wondering what the new "levels" were since the community was redone. I noticed I was a Surveyor, but now a Learner and I just wondered what that all meant.
This isn't solved. It is a known glitch with Canvas and they say that they are working on it.
We have implemented standards based grading in our district which is difficult sometimes when it comes to the grade books in Canvas. While the Learning Mastery Grade Book has great potential, it does...
We are also experiencing this issue in Firefox and Chrome. Are there any updates for the potential fix?
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Is there a way to disable the student ability to remove things from their to-do list?
If a student did not turn in an assignment, the assignment is labeled as missing even after the availability date and due date have passed. If a student removes this assignment from their to-do list,...
This is the exact issue we are seeing too.
When teachers are giving feedback in Speedgrader, html code is being inserted. Has anyone else noticed?
Yep, did that. They are supposedly working on it.
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