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Having trouble after embedding the PowerPoint presentation onto the Canvas discussion page, Canvas is requesting a Mircosoft 360 login so that the PowerPoint can be viewed.

  • 1 Replies

Are the good folks at Canvas considering amending the “Canvas Instructor Guide” to include how-tos for using AI to build things in Canvas courses? A few examples might be: Using AI to  Generate Quizzes and Upload to CanvasA step-by-step tutorial on h...

  • 1 Replies

I have a blueprint course that I would like to associate with a new course. However, when I search for courses the new course doesn't appear.The new course was originally associated with our school's default blueprint but I went in and removed this a...

  • 1 Replies

While I am able to attach a rubric to the whole quiz, it is not really possible to attach a rubric to the individual question. It is possible to give a rating to each criterion, but these points will not sync with the gradebook. I need to assign poin...

  • 1 Replies

I sometimes want to email the students in all of my courses a reminder... For instance a reminder that class is cancelled on monday because it is a holiday. Or a flier to an important on campus event.Is there a feature to post an announcement and che...

  • 2 Replies

So, I have to do a science fair power point with my partner, and I've been trying to upload it for the passes 30 minutes and i seriously cannot find it. I believe its because she shared it with me instead of inverse. So she can submit it on her lapto...

  • 2 Replies

How do I disable the feature in Canvas, which seems to be on by default, where students can report the material of other students as offensive? Honestly, this setting should not be there at all, much less on by default. It encourages passive aggressi...

  • 7 Replies

hello guys, how are you doing? can anyone help how to solve this problem , I'm getting porblem in link viewing, my students facing this problem , I m sending them links but data not showing on their screen.

  • 2 Replies

Why does my open Canvas page keep refreshing? Every few minutes the page refreshes and brings me back to it, interrupting my work. I'm trying to work on a project and it's getting infuriating. I'm using Google Chrome on a Dell laptop. Please help me ...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, I am trying to find a way to evaluate syllabi in Canvas for DEI language, as well as having an AI model to monitor inclusivity in online courses.  Do you know if Azure can do this. Could it be integrated in Canvas? Thank you, SP

  • 1 Replies

Hi, fellow friends.  Students' answers on their quizzes were marked correct whether answers were upper or lower case.  Since the new quiz changed, the auto capitalization has caused most if not all answers wrong especially answers in lower case.  I'm...

  • 7 Replies

Hi everyone, I have a question about security and activity tracking on Canvas during exams. Does Canvas track when we switch tabs or close the window? And is there any difference in this between Canvas Demo and the full version? Also, is there any ot...

  • 3 Replies

So as you know, the district won't let students change pfp, yet some students managed to do it. I need insight.pfp problems/ can you please let students change there pfp again?

  • 1 Replies

  As with other Canvas users we have experienced past issues with images in Canvas Quizzes and Quiz Banks, particularly associated with copying and importing to alternate Canvas courses. We understand that this has been under investigation by our Can...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

Does anyone have a way to view multiple courses at once? I am the sole admin for 50+ blueprints and 100+ courses (and growing!) in a given term. I constantly need to get into these courses and would love a way to click one button and have all of them...

  • 14 Replies

When I try to reply to someone's else post I am not able to reply because there's no option to reply.It only says mark unread. I do not know what to do? 

  • 1 Replies

Please can someone advise how I set up 1-1 appointments for my group to sign up for their 1-1 sessions?Thanks in advance

  • 3 Replies

One of our Music instructors has created a New Quiz with m4a audio clips. Some quiz questions contain a proper iframe URL linking to the course Files tab, while others show up as @@PLUGINFILE@@ links with no closing bracket.The audio is playable for ...

  • 2 Replies

I am working with several teachers that have created lots of unique video content that they have uploaded to YouTube. They are exploring the variety of ways to embed those videos in their Canvas courses and I was excited to show them how to use the Y...

  • 4 Replies

Hi all, In New Quizzes, when creating/updating questions and possible answers, one must click a field in order for it to expand into the RCE. In some workflows, this becomes inefficient and requires a lot of clicking. Is it possible to just auto-expa...

  • 1 Replies

 Does anyone know why we can't duplicate "text headers" in a module on Canvas?  Thanks in advance. 

  • 1 Replies

Hello,Is there any way to translate text into another language in the LockDown browser? I have a L1 Language speaker in my class who is struggling to complete quizzes within the allotted time due to having to use a Spanish-English dictionary for tran...

  • 2 Replies

   Good day.I am having a issue with canvas.I am trying to edit the percentage assigned to the Assignment Group but keep getting the message shown below:Assignment group weights can't be edited because there are assignments in one of the groups whose...

  • 3 Replies

In the following update: The notes state for the Notification Option for Announcements in Blueprint Courses "When creating a new announcement in a blueprint...

  • 2 Replies

Is there a way as a Canvas Admin I can create a Message Window for Users to see when they go to Canvas? For example, I would like to create a monthly tech tip for students and discovered that they don't really check emails but they are going into Can...

  • 2 Replies

How do I get the reports exported to excel in a user-friendly format - with data in separate columns?Specifically looking for reports showing completion status per student. Berit

  • 2 Replies

In earlier versions of canvas i could upload an mp3 file in pages or in assignments, and the students could just right-click the file and download it. That doesn't work anymore for some reason. Does anybody know how to solve this? 

  • 2 Replies

In pretty HTML editor mode, when I make any changes that is outside the current frame. The cursor or position is reset in the beginning. This makes it very hard to do any editing. Could you advise on how to solve this? Thank you. 

  • 6 Replies

  Hi Team I'm currently working on developing Canvas courses for a range of grade levels, from Kindergarten to Grade 9, and I was wondering if anyone could kindly share any sample course module templates or frameworks that they've found effective for...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

I only realized after my students completed their Canvas quiz that the responses I marked as being correct in the Canvas answer key are in fact not correct. I have since corrected the answer key, but I cannot get Canvas to regrade the students' submi...

  • 2 Replies