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May 23, 2018 2:10:23 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Ahh, sounds like it's what I'm looking for. I'll check it out. Thanks, Ryan Much appreciated
Ryan, thank you for your suggestion. I still wasn't able to see where I can modify using the info from "Close enough". I probably missed something somewhere. I ended up just adding anot...
Hi, Thank you for your reply. I did checked out and find that the statement in Close enough option isn't correct because Canvas do mark words with upper case wrong when the word should be lower c...
Hi, fellow friends. Students' answers on their quizzes were marked correct whether answers were upper or lower case. Since the new quiz changed, the auto capitalization has caused most if not al...
We teachers here at this high school want this feature. We are showing term 1 assignment groups with term 2. It's so confusing and annoying. We are on term 2 and prefer term 2 assignment groups...
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Ahh, sounds like it's what I'm looking for. I'll check it out. Thanks, Ryan Much appreciated
Ryan, thank you for your suggestion. I still wasn't able to see where I can modify using the info from "Close enough". I probably missed something somewhere. I ended up just adding anot...
Hi, Thank you for your reply. I did checked out and find that the statement in Close enough option isn't correct because Canvas do mark words with upper case wrong when the word should be lower c...
Hi, fellow friends. Students' answers on their quizzes were marked correct whether answers were upper or lower case. Since the new quiz changed, the auto capitalization has caused most if not al...
We teachers here at this high school want this feature. We are showing term 1 assignment groups with term 2. It's so confusing and annoying. We are on term 2 and prefer term 2 assignment groups...
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