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My district has been using Canvas and PowerSchool integration for a few years now.  Unfortunately, something happened this year and our courses have not been made and have not been populated. We can create a course ourselves and manually add students...

  • 1 Replies

Our professor is going to change the classroom. If he made it, how can I see the new classroom

  • 1 Replies

Good evening, As a mother of 5 students, that are currently using Canvas, I am trying to determine if there's a way to enable all of their calendars for each course? Once I enable a certain amount of calendars and set them to a default color (1 color...

  • 1 Replies

I do not have this button on any of my modules. How do I find the mark as done button. When I follow your guide there is no mark as done or confirm button. how do I turn this feature on. I cannot keep track of what I have completed and what needs to ...

  • 1 Replies

We need help looking at the SIF settings for Canvas. Many rescheduled students, student section enrollments were dropped in PowerSchool; however they are not "dropping" from Canvas when they no longer exist in PowerSchool resulting in Students having...

  • 2 Replies

One of our courses uses Moderated Grading for assignments and each submission needs to be reviewed by three people.   The issue we are running into is that the course runs for a full year and is self-paced.  So some students complete the assignment w...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, I´m having problems uploading files to my platform but, basically is impossible to submit any file of any size of any type, Please help me!  

  • 5 Replies

I'm looking for a way to advance to the next assignment needing grading in the SpeedGrader, rather than having to click out of the assignment I've finished grading and then into the next assignment via Dashboard, Assignnments, etc.  Is this a feature...

  • 1 Replies

I have struggled to find many people reviewing the 'open' edition or any articles or stories about institutions using it.  It is very strange that there is so little information on the community edition of canvas.My unit is interested in piloting the...

  • 3 Replies

I'm experiencing some problems with New Analytics. I wanted to message students who scored below 70% on an assignment. I specified the parameters and it showed 5 students; however, I know that 8 students meet this criteria.  In other courses, it does...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

Ever since this new semester started, I have been unable to edit my courses with different nicknames. I have a science class with a lab class that their names look identical at first glance and I just want to specify which is the lab class. I was abl...

  • 1 Replies

My students are divided into three group sets, say GC1, GC2, and GC3, each consisting of multiple groups (say 1-10, 11-20, and 21-30). The division into three streams happened a few weeks into the course, so unfortunately the course is not divided in...

  • 4 Replies

Hi all, My school has a custom theme with CSS and JS branding uploaded at the account level Theme editor. This was created before I commenced. I'm trying to create a separate theme and custom branding/CSS for subjects within a sub-account. However, w...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 5 Replies

are attachments forwarded as well? how do you forward attachments?

  • 3 Replies

I am an Admin at our school. I have a  teacher who tried to reopen an assignment for 2 students who hadn't submitted it by the due time. He reopened it assigning the new submission time to those two students, but in doing so, this made the assignment...

  • 1 Replies

I'm teaching what is supposed to be an in-person class. Let's say there's 20 students. Due to the pandemic, etc., however, 10 of those students have requested to take the course fully online.    I understand that it is possible, and from what I can t...

  • 1 Replies

my password is right and but it keeps saying somethings wrong either my password or my username but both are correct 

  • 1 Replies

I am working with an instructor who is teaching hybrid course. Students meet 29 times during the semester and get 1 point for each time they show up.  Attendance is worth 5% of the grade. We are using Roll Call for this.   I have set it up so that: 1...

  • 4 Replies

I like my browser's built-in PDF viewer, and I'd prefer to use it over Canvas's built in method. Right now, this always requires two clicks (including waiting for the PDF to load in the preview which I don't plan on using. Is there a user setting to,...

  • 1 Replies

 Is there any way I can contact canvas support about a bug without going through my school first? 

  • 6 Replies

I am a student and I have been added to the same canvas class three times by my instructor. For some reason it still does not pop up on my dashboard and I am unable to complete assignments even after accepting the invites all three times.

  • 1 Replies

I have followed the instructions to view grades but I am still unable to do so.  I know that grades are being inputted because I receive an email notification with the actual grade but I am unable to view them on canvas through desktop or app.  Also ...

  • 5 Replies

Context: When using the *.ics URL from Canvas Calendar, faculty have noticed that some events do not appear in Outlook's calendar. In examining the *.ics sourcefile, I believe I've discovered a correlation: Events successfully appear in Outlook when ...

  • 1 Replies

1 - My students are using the Canvas app. I am having students upload their google documents as a PDF to the assignments. But when I open speed grader, it is not providing me with the annotation tools on my computer or through the teacher app. Sugges...

  • 2 Replies

Colleagues, Odd situation that has us stumped. The instructor set up eight groups (although only seven have students)Three students per group. Nothing odd that we can tell.She has a graded survey with the eight group options (1-8) in a MC question.Th...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

Teachers created an assignment in Canvas using the Assignments: Student Annotation Submissions feature.  The file is not loading when students go to the assignment using the iPad iOS app.  Is this feature available for iPads? Please advise.

  • 3 Replies

Good morning -  I have a question about cross listing. I have two courses - A and B. Course B did not have anyone in until yesterday so I never cross listed it. The first two weeks of school I had entered grades in for Course A, and yesterday I had a...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

More of a recommendation than a question, but I would really like Canvas to add auto-captions to its RCE and SpeedGrader recorder. It is beyond time. Every product we use has it sans Canvas: Panopto, Kaltura, Zoom, Stream, Hangouts, Teams. It is hard...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

I have -- quite frankly -- had it. Grading via rubrics has to be improved. I just lost 1 hour of work because I inadvertently  hit something that "advanced' me to the next student. I don't know what and I, quite frankly, don't care how or why this ha...

  • 2 Replies