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In my assignments, I have links to the readings I want my students to complete, which are housed in a Reading Resources module in the course. Those import to a new course without issue and the links change easily to the new course ID. In a New Quiz, ...

  • 1 Replies

Is there someone that could be bribed , coerced, or convinced to look at this thread?

  • 1 Replies

When I try to add a student I get the following error message (name replaced with ****):The following users could not be created. **** The email address provided conflicts with an existing user's email that is awaiting verification. Please...

  • 1 Replies

The only thing that is showing is dashboard,calender,inbox, and help. None of my assignments or classes are showing.

  • 1 Replies

Hi,I have a sub account and the user has been made an account admin from the sub account Settings -> Admins tab. This user has a course allocated to him as a teacher. The sub account admin / teacher user needs to create student accounts. He can creat...

  • 1 Replies

Hi. I'm in the infrastructure community tab in the student help guide by Canvas and I can't see how to return to my home page with the dashboard. I've tried clicking everywhere! And tried logging out and back in, and it took me right back to the infr...

  • 1 Replies

Does anyone know how to change a phone number, country , name of organisation and a title associated with the teacher’s account in Canvas that I was asked to do at the registration but by mistake wrote an incomplete phone number? Also, is country ask...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I'm using Canvas-Panopto integration and I want to change what folder is displayed in the Panopto Video tab. Is it possible to change the folder that is displayed there? Thanks.

  • 4 Replies

When i click on dashboard the screen on the right just flashes... I can see the boxes for each class, but they just flash and flash and flash... I can't access anything. There is no help button!

  • 5 Replies

Hello!I am involved in teaching a large course (550 students) in which he have decided to use Mastery Based/Standards Based Grading to assess students. We have created the outcomes, enabled the Mastery Mastery Gradebook, etc.The problem that we are f...

  • 1 Replies

I would like to define a role where a user will be able to see content and import it into their own course but not edit it.  For example, we could have a "History 101 Repository course" that Instructor A controls and Instructor B cannot edit. Instruc...

  • 3 Replies

I cannot log into my class EDPN620, Canvas will not load for me. Please help.Thank you.

  • 1 Replies

Hello. I cross listed a class into the wrong class and I was trying to De-Cross List but it would not let me. It only asks if I want to "Re-Cross List" but not if I want to undo the one I already did.

  • 3 Replies

Several students have shared that they cannot view the published files I have for the course (a mix of readings, class PPTs, project samples, etc.) Canvas IT directed me here to the community. I'd love your help! Thanks!

  • 7 Replies

I am an instructor. Is there a setting so that students and instructor can be notified when someone asks a question on a discussion board? The goal is this: To set up one place for questions that the instructor can respond to universally instead of i...

  • 1 Replies

So I have an assignment category called "Ungraded Assignments." These are assignments that are not meant for a grade. I am not grading them and never will. I have to create them as an assignment, not a page, because I want students to annotate on a P...

  • 1 Replies

Please help.  I am getting an error 403.  Edge and Fire Fox work fine.  What is wrong with Chrome?

  • 1 Replies

Hello,I know how to email the student an invite but I do not know how to add the student to the course before I send the invite. How do I add new students to a course for the first time? Thank you.

  • 2 Replies

Does enabling the chat feature on canvas allow students to initiate their own private chat conversations amongst themselves that cannot be seen by the teacher? I am an instructor and don't have a way of checking myself to get an answer to this questi...

  • 5 Replies

Hello, I am a High School Academic Resource teacher. I created a parent account last year so that I could follow the students in my class and keep tabs on their Canvas. I stopped observing all students at the end of last year but kept my parent accou...

  • 3 Replies

Hello,Canvas will not let me in says I have the wrong password. I have tried multiple times and it will not send me a email to change the password keeps logging me out. I need help to resolve this.thank you 

  • 1 Replies

hi, we are still relatively new to Canvas, we are wondering what the best way is to delete students who have left the college? (we have a few thousand students to delete) - Im guessing bulk SIS import deletion, would anyone have a template for that o...

  • 3 Replies

My gradebook has been completely broken since the first day of school and I need some urgent help. What do I mean by completely broken? I mean when I click on grade book for any of my courses I get a spinning wheel but nothing ever loads. No matter h...

  • 7 Replies

I am confused on how to use this program.   example... I clicked on the icon to ask a question, it took me back to May 20, 2022 to a previous class.In going from week to week in D3351 Church History, I am not convinced I am on the right track.   Hone...

  • 1 Replies

Every time I open Canvas it wont work  It just shows a blank screen >:C tired of this man 

  • 1 Replies

I know there is a feature to restrict course participation to within the section's start and end dates. It would be nice if there were also a feature to delay the actual course invite until the section dates (or maybe even a customizable date range, ...

  • 1 Replies

Where can I find my student ID badge? I need to print it. Thank you. 

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Lately, I've been having problems grading in Speedgrader (which has been less than speedy). Files won't loadFiles take more than 10 seconds to loadI get a "Bad Gateway" errorI get a "service not available" errorI get a large black dot.These are relat...

  • 3 Replies

As a user, when I try to deploy deep links using either Module Index Menu Model or Assignment Index Menu placements, I'm getting redirected back to the canvas login screen.We are performing form post to the deep_link_return_url, we are attaching JWT ...

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