Trouble finding Class and homework assignments

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Community Novice

I am having finding the course I am enrolled in, as well as the assignments that are due.  I have tried watching the tutorial videos, but what they are showing is not appearing on my dashboard.  When I try to select the course I am enrolled in I am unable to do so.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

This has to be frustrating. This is a community forum where many of use are not employees of Canvas or your institution, so your institution's tech department (and your teacher) are the best people to directly assist. On that note, a few things to check.

1. Can your classmates see the course? If yes, then question 3 does not matter. If they can, have them sign into Canvas on their device and you sign in on yours (preferably through a browser, not through the Canvas app). Look at the web address at the top. In particular, the portion at the beginning. Do they match? For example, the free Canvas login is My district is If they do not match, then that answers question 2 and may be the reason you cannot see anything.

2. Many institutions have a unique portal to access Canvas. They usually have a link on their website. If you do a Google Search for Canvas, that will pop up the link to the Free-For-Teachers version run by Canvas. If you signed up for an account on that page, it will definitely not show any of your enrollments if your institution has a unique portal. This would be better addressed by your tech department.

3. Have classes started yet? If they have, then the course should have been published. If it has not, your institution may have set it up to hide coursework until the start of the term. 

Let me know if one of these helps resolve your issue. If none of them do, reach out to your teacher to let them know you are having problems and your tech department for help getting it fixed. Good luck.

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