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In each  module created by my teacher, there is an activity to do, with about 10 questions.  This is more or less, a mini quiz that helps prepare us for the tests/exams. When you answer it incorrectly, it gives you chances until you get it right. How...

  • 1 Replies

Good afternoon, everyone,I wanted to know how to set up my virtual campus to send students a reminder email indicating that there's an assignment due at a specific time, either 24 hours in advance or even activate it at 12 AM. Thank you very much in ...

  • 1 Replies

Hi there!! I'm having issues to remove the subscription of a couple of students who by x, y reason had to dropt. In the pass I was able to perform the action of suspend subscription but no any more. Any ideas or work around to fix it? Thanks! Andrea

  • 1 Replies

What is the latest progress on incorporating the Rich Text Editor in messages or course emails?Our institution primarily communicates via Canvas messages and email. We need more formatting options when sending messages to students. 

  • 3 Replies

I have one student in course that is being shown warning "Five Minutes Left Before Quiz Will Be Marked Late". The quizzes are not timed.    The student is starting the quizzes well before the due date/time The message is consistently appearing in all...

  • 1 Replies

Our state passed a law that requires all school personnel communication to include a parent/guardian. This is to avoid one-on-one electronic communication between a teacher and student.    At our school, we are working on troubleshooting the communic...

  • 3 Replies

I have taken several live trainings on Canvas, however when I viewed my live training calendar this morning, there were no courses listed. I signed up for 2 today and they are no longer listed. The calendar is blank. Before I was able to view all the...

  • 1 Replies

I would like to create a cumulative matching vocabulary quiz in Canvas.  Example:  week 1's quiz contains 5 vocabulary terms that must be matched with the correct definition; week 2's quiz contains 5 new terms plus the 5 terms from week 1, with all 1...

  • 2 Replies

How can I monitor what I have sent from my published courses in Canvas?Thanks 

  • 1 Replies

I am attempting to build a quiz using New quizzes.  I am hoping to have a set of words and definitions that students will match up.   In doing so, I would like to use the same list of definitions for all words, yet when one definition is used as an a...

  • 1 Replies

I know how to create a quiz where the students see one question at a time. But is it possible to set a timer for each question - so that after that amount of time the next question pops up automatically? I am trying to prevent students from trying to...

  • 1 Replies

Hello everyone,I was wondering if anyone can share their experience whether KICA assessment framework ( Knoweledge and understanding, Inquiry, communication and Application)  can be implemented in Canvas.  How can one assignment incorporate these ski...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

Our teachers want to apply late policy by assignment category.  We have usually 3 categories but they do not want a late piolicy on all categories.  Example: Major category - no late policyMinor category - 10 points per dayOther category - 10 points ...

  • 1 Replies

I am hearing a lot of complaints from students about the redesign for the discussion.  Is there a student forum for feedback?

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 8 Replies

I have outcomes for my course created, and they all show in the "Outcomes" page.  I can add outcomes to rubrics without trouble.  But, when I try to align a quiz question with an outcome, not all of the outcomes are listed as options for alignment (m...

  • 1 Replies

We have published an assignment but the student access page shows that it is denied accessHow can we fix this?

  • 3 Replies

We have a final assessment quiz of 15 questions that pulls questions from various groups. Canvas will not download statistics for all of the questions but only a version of the quiz.I have read it is not possible to get the statistics for all the que...

  • 6 Replies

For Assessment and Accreditation purposes we would like to pull aggregated data about student performance on standardized rubrics.I discovered the rubric score exporter from the University of Colorado - Boulder, however, it really only works on one a...

  • 2 Replies

With many students and having multiple sections at different times, I am looking for an option to release the class notes and other files after teaching each section individually on Canvas pages. This is necessary because the handouts sometimes inclu...

  • 4 Replies

When in pages, inserting an image only has "upload image" or "user images" as options. How do I get "course images" as a choice? When uploading an image, they have been automatically saving to my user files instead of the course files as wel.

  • 1 Replies

The assignments in my Canvas courses do not seem to be in any particular order. Is there a way to arrange them in alphabetical order in a mass fashion other than dragging them one by one?

  • 2 Replies

Hello,We use the Canvas Admin Console but lately I've noticed things are getting closed over and over and getting reset back to 'Open' by Support Panda. Has anyone else had this problem?Thanks

  • 1 Replies

Hello, This is a bit of a long question on a very narrow topic... The quizzes I'm designing for my students prompts them to embed images as their answers. I want to do it this way because when I've had students upload images in the past, students hav...

  • 5 Replies

Hi everyone, I'm working on school templates, and we need any blank page to include specific HTML code automatically: <div id="dp-wrapper" class="dp-wrapper dp-show-title"><p>Test</p></div> Is it possible to configure that? Thank you!

  • 3 Replies

I'm wondering why after archiving a conversation thread and receiving a new response the thread and new responses also remain in the archived section rather than getting pushed back into the Inbox. I feel that even if at the very least the new messag...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 21 Replies

Hi, my class ended on Sunday. However is there a way I can review the quizzes after the semester has officially ended? I did reach out to my professor and her response was it was not something she can do on her end and to reach out the canvas personn...

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to track my students' activity with New Analytics, but it isn't available. I was getting a rocket image, now I'm getting a desert image. Not sure what either means. Then, when I check Analytics from the home page, it shows everyone having...

  • 1 Replies

Hello! I am wondering if there is a way for students to view a quiz after the due date if they did not take the quiz. I currently have the settings such that there is a start date and an end date (available until). Students that take the quiz can acc...

  • 2 Replies

We have been trying setup google drive integration with Canvas LMS.  I have added my google drive account in the admin setting.  Now, when i try to use the Drive Button when creating any course, I get 401 (unauthorized) error. There are few doubts: I...

  • 1 Replies

Hi. I'm new to Canvas and keep seeing references in the forum about Instructure. Who are they and what role do they play in creating Canvas? And how can I suggest changes? It's week 04 of our move to Canvas, and I really miss Blackboard. There was so...

  • 1 Replies