TA not able to see People and submissions

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I have been added as a TA which is what we have done in the past years.

This year I am not able to see the People link on the left which would bring up the list of students so I can monitor students and their work they submit.


They are not able to add me as an observer either because there is not a way to select students,

I need to be able to see what is submitted and when,



1 Solution

Hello, Michelle, 

Thank you for reaching out to the Community. It sounds like the permissions for the TA role that you have been given just need to be altered or updated. If the instructor cannot make the changes, then your Canvas admin certainly can. Here are two articles that might be helpful in identifying where the issue is: 

Canvas Course Role Permissions 

What is the teacher assistant role?

Please let us know if you continue to have issues and we will be happy to continue to help.

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