Student Missing in SpeedGrader

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I have a student who is enrolled in the class (shows on "People" page & section).  

This student shows as a row in the Canvas gradebook...but is NOT displayed as an option in SpeedGrader.  This assignment is assigned to "Everyone".

When the teacher attempts to enter a grade directly into the gradebook for this student, he receives an error message "There was a problem updating the submission"

Has anyone else seen this behavior?

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1 Solution
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I had this same problem and just figured out a fix!  You know how you said you had the assignment assigned to "Everyone"?  Go into the assignment and "add on" those specific students who are not showing in SpeedGrader.  Save the assignment.  They should now show up.  I had this problem with several of my students (has never happened before!) and this fixed it!  🙂   Hope this helps you out! 

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