SpeedGrader Free Text Annotation Repeats Selected Text When Writing in Japanese

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I'm working with a faculty member who is teaching Japanese courses and uses the SpeedGrader to provide in-line comments on student homework submissions using the Free Text Annotation function. When writing in Japanese on a computer, a small menu opens below what you are typing with suggested characters based on the letters typed. You can then cycle through the offered characters and phrases and click Enter / Return to select the characters, then keep typing. 

The instructor, when using the Free Text Annotation function of the SpeedGrader, will get the menu that opens to select from a list of characters and phrases based on what she's typed from the keyboard and select the appropriate characters / phrase from the list by clicking Enter / Return, but rather than input the characters correctly, the characters come in twice. If she selects a three character phrase, the whole phrase will come in twice. 

This doesn't happen when she tries to write in Japanese in the Feedback / Comment section of the SpeedGrader, or if she's making a Comment using the Point or Highlight Annotation. Does anyone know why this doubling is occurring? Or does anyone else have this happen when they write in Japanese (or another language perhaps)? 

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