Reproduce discrimination index using item analysis

Community Explorer

How exactly does Canvas calculate its discrimination index? I read this article and tried to reproduce the values myself, as the item analysis report does not include the discrimination index. The linked article describes the discrimination calculation as the "number of correct answers from the bottom group is subtracted from the number of correct answers in the top group, then the total is divided by the size of the group."

From the item analysis report, I interpreted this as the (Correct Top Student Count – Correct Bottom Student Count) ÷ Answered Student Count. However, that does not match what I see on the Quiz summary page. I tried several other variations in the denominator but to no success. I think what's going on is that I'm not sure what Canvas means by the "size of the group". 

Finally, I use randomized question pools for my exam, so I'm unsure if that's complicating the matter.