Assessment student review restriction

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When enabling a student to see quiz results, does it default to only one time? How do you restrict the student to only view their correct answers/results of the questions to one time only? 

1 Solution

Hi @nicgn69481 

On classic quizzes, you can see the option to allow students to see the quiz results on the edit mode of the quiz. 
In this guide here

What options can I set in a quiz? 

You can find this information

You can choose to allow students to view their answers, any automatic feedback generated by the quiz for correct or incorrect answers, and which questions they got wrong. Quizzes default to this option, so if you do not want students to see their quiz responses, deselect the checkbox.

As part of this option, you can restrict students view of the quiz results to Only Once After Each Attempt . Students will only be able to view the results immediately after they have completed the quiz—results include both their responses and the correct answers.


  • Students will still see their quiz score upon submitting a quiz when this option is enabled. Because of this, this option may not be appropriate for quizzes that require manual grading, such as essay questions, where students may need to access the quiz results multiple times to see an updated quiz score.
  • When a quiz is saved with the Only Once After Each Attempt option, you can use the Moderate Quiz feature to give students additional views to their quiz results.

For new quizzes, you can go into the settings on the build section and change the option to restrict student result view. 

You can find information on that in this guide here. 

How do I restrict students from viewing quiz results in New Quizzes? 


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