Adjust scoring on exam after students have taken it

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I thought this was a fairly common thing to do?


Your students take an exam, there are a few questions almost everyone misses and you decide that those questions are too difficult or confusing, so you want to "sort of" throw them out.

But you don't want to penalize any students who got the question right.

So you make the question worth 0 points, and the student who answered correctly still gets their point, but now the exam for everyone should be graded as being worth fewer points.  So it bumps everyone up a bit, and bumps the student with the correct answer up even more (as if they got extra credit).

I tried to do this, but now there are no student scores showing up for me at all, and Speedgrader is telling me I need to "regrade" the exam, but I don't know how to do that and I cannot find any information on this site about how to do it unless you are using "New Quizzes" (which I'm not).

Any tips on this?

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @hlcark 

You have options, but your best bet is to regrade the question and you can opt to give everyone credit. Here is the Canvas guide:

If you don't want to regrade the question and distribute the points how you would like, you can manually give everyone credit for the question in speedgrader and "update" the scores. Or you can also use fudge points: 

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