Adding a time modifier to online quizzes and exams on Canvas

Community Novice
I am an instructor reaching out for the Canvas team to allow for time modifiers in multiples of 1, 1.5 or 2. 
Both for regular Canvas and new quizzes I used to be able to just add in a time modifier as per the Canvas instructions (such as 1.5x or 2x) and that would apply for any exam or quiz a student took throughout the entire course. (Please see screenshot attached).
I'm not sure why that is no longer the case . -- it only gives an option for inputting exact number of minutes. 
It's a huge problem because also it no longer carries over to any quiz exam given in the course. I'm teaching approximately 170 students this semester and it does a disservice to accommodating our students. 
It used to be that any time modifiers out in would apply to all exams or quizzes that a particular student took. 

Can you see if Canvas would be willing to reinstate this option?
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