Next and Previous Buttons appearing in iframe and at the bottom of the page

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Community Novice

Hi there,

I have uploaded a SCORM object as a graded assignment and configured the settings to open the SCORM object in a new tab. I have included learner instructions at the top of the page. When I review this in Student View the 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons appear with a scroll bar under the assignment details and at the bottom of the page. If I select 'Next' inside the scroll bar, the next page appears in what looks like an iframe within the scroll bar area.

Any ideas why this would be happening?

Thank you.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @NSchilling,

Thank you for including a screenshot with your question.

Does the same experience happen if you disable the "Assignment Enhancements - Student" in the course's "Feature Options"?

Depending on your institution, the feature option might be automatically enabled but you might also be able to disable it.


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