Date format of inbox

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Community Novice

Hello, I’m in the usa and use mm/dd/yy date format but the app appears to be showing me dd/mm/yy date format for messages in my inbox. How can I change the format to be mm/dd/yy?

1 Solution

Hi @AndrewMackie thanks for including a screenshot, its helpful to see! I wonder if your user language settings are set to "System Default (English (United States))." When I tested this in my Mobile App the dates in the Inbox appeared in the format you indicated (mm/dd/yyyy), but when I changed my language to English (Canada) I noticed the date format changed in the Inbox (yyyy-mm--dd).

If your school allows, you can update your default language from user settings menu by following this guide. Once you update the settings, log out of the Mobile App so that the new settings can be applied when you log back in. I hope that helps!

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