How do I manage shared resources for my account in Commons?
As an admin, you can search, view, edit, and remove your account's shared resources.
Open Managed Resources
In the Commons navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Managed Resources option [2].
View Account Shared Resources
The Managed Resources page allows you to search for, view, and edit or remove resources shared by your institution that are not private to the author.
In the search field, you can search your account's shared resources by entering keywords such as author or title [1]. You can also sort by Most Relevant, Latest, Most Favorited, or Most Downloaded [2].
To view and apply search filters, click the Filter button [3].
Apply Search Filters

You can filter search results when managing resources. Search filters have several options, including filtering by approved content [1], resource type [2], content type [3], grade/level [4], and sharing settings [5].
Remove Resource

To remove a resource from Commons, click the Delete icon.

You will be asked to confirm deletion of the resource. To confirm and delete the resource, click Delete [1]. You will be unable to recover the resource once it is removed from Commons. The author will no longer see the removed resource on their Shared page.
To cancel deletion, click Cancel [2].
Note: If you delete a shared resource in Canvas, other users will still be able to import that resource until you delete the resource in Commons.
View Resource

To view more details about a resource, click the resource tile.
Edit Resource Details
To edit resource details, click the Edit Resource button.
Note: Admins cannot edit or update resource content.