How do I import a favorite quiz from Commons to Canvas as an instructor?
If Commons has been enabled in your Canvas instance, you can add favorited quizzes from Commons to a Canvas course.
Learn how to add and manage favorites in Commons.
- You must add quizzes to your favorites in Commons before they can be viewed and imported in the Quizzes Index page.
- Content shared through Commons retains the published/unpublished status of the item when it was originally shared. If you import a quiz that was published when it was originally shared, it will import and be published in your course.
- Commons currently does not support sharing/importing question banks associated with a quiz.
- You can share and import New Quizzes in Commons to collaborate better and save time on content curation.
Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.
Open Commons Favorites

Click the Options icon [1] and select the Commons Favorites option [2].
Note: If the Options icon does not display in the Quizzes Index page, Commons has not been enabled in your Canvas instance.
View Commons Favorites

The Commons Favorites window displays all the quizzes that you have favorited in Commons [1]. To search for a quiz, enter the quiz name in the Search by Title field [2].
Import Quiz

To select a quiz for import, click the quiz [1]. Selected quizzes display the Checkmark icon [2].
To import the quiz, click the Close icon [3].
View Quiz

The imported quiz displays in the Quizzes Index page. To open the quiz, click the quiz name [1].
Imported quizzes are published by default [2].
Note: Content shared through Commons retains the published/unpublished status of the item when it was originally shared. If you import a quiz that was published when it was originally shared, it will import and be published in your course.