How do I allow and manage approved content in Commons?
As an admin in Commons, you can allow approved content, mark resources in Commons as approved content, and allow other users to approve content in Commons. You can also customize search results for users so they only see approved content in search results. Approved content is indicated with a banner and custom logo that displays in Commons search results.
Approved content allows admins to easily distinguish institution-approved content from other user-submitted content in Commons and provide higher quality resources in search results through a content approval process.
Note: You can only approve content that you or someone at your institution has uploaded to Commons. To approve public content, you must first download the content from Commons and then re-upload it for use at your institution.
Open Account Settings
In Commons Navigation, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Account Settings option [2].
Allow Approved Content

To enable approved content, enable the Allow Approved Content option.
Customize Approved Content

To customize the background color that displays behind the approved content icon, click the Select background color button [1].
To upload a custom image, click the Change image link [2]. To reset the custom image back to the default (a white checkmark icon), click the Reset to default link [3].
To prioritize approved content in search results, click the Prioritize approved content in search results checkbox [4]. When this option is selected, approved content always appears first in search results.
You can allow other users to manage approved content. Type the name of a user in the Add users to manage approved content field and press Enter (PC) or Return (Mac) to give them permission to curate approved content [5].
Note: Custom images must be 50x50 pixels in size and the file format must be either JPEG, PNG, or SVG.
Add Users to Manage Approved Content

Commons admins can give users the ability to manage approved content for the account. Added users can mark resources as approved content, including resources they upload to Commons.
To give a user the ability to manage approved content, type their name or email address in the Add users to manage approved content field [1]. As you begin typing, you will see suggested users in a list. Select the user by clicking their name or press the Return (Mac) or Enter (PC) key on your keyboard when their name is highlighted in the list [2].
To remove a user from the list, click the Remove icon next to their name [3].
Customize Search Results

You can configure default search filters to only display approved resources in the Commons search page.
To enable default search filters, enable the Configure default search filters option [1].
To only display approved resources in search results, enable the Only Account Approved Resources option [2].
Manage Resources

You can approve content from the resource details page. To view all resources you manage, click the Managed Resources tab.
Open Resource

To open the resource details page, click the resource title.
Approve Content

To share a resource as approved content, enable the Institution Approved Content button.
To remove the resource from approved content, disable the Institution Approved Content button.
Note: Users at your institution cannot update previously shared resources if they are marked as institution-approved content. To allow users to update approved content, you must disable the Institution Approved Content option. Following the update, re-enable the option.
Save Resource

Click the Save Changes button.