We're in pilot with three of our schools this year for counseling courses. Two of the schools are traditional high schools and one of the schools is a group of magnet schools comprising different programs (Home School, Virtual Learning, etc.)
In each of the schools we created courses by grade level, as Stephanie mentioned. The courses are named College & Career Guidance and are meant to be shared by both the career specialist and the counselors. We cross-listed the courses for the various magnet schools so now there's one Freshman course for all the magnet programs that don't have or are combined with another building.
I just asked a counselor for some feedback yesterday and received this reply:
Students are able to follow along with material we are presenting on their ipads.
Ability to survey students through a short quiz.
Students are able to access materials we covered after we work with them. Great for students who were absent.
Feels a little like a reproduction to the information available on our website, but maybe that is just how I am choosing to use it.
Does feel like another place to post events in addition to the website, morning announcements, emails to parents/students, posting flyers, newsletter, etc. Hard for me to always remember to use the calendar to post these events.
I think there will be a tendency to move away from the web page towards Canvas as time goes on. They are talking about placing forecasting materials in Canvas this year.
As the Canvas Admin, I had visions of gamification in conjunction with Career Cruising that could be built upon starting with the Freshman year, but this was way beyond how the counselors wanted to use it to begin with. Their need was as more of a communications tool.
Hope this helps!
Update Spring 2017
I thought I'd provide some additional feedback on our pilots as described above. We've since expanded our College & Career Guidance grade level courses to all schools grades 8-12.
We've begun to run a forecasting course through the courses. While there is a single course (content) for all grade level courses this year, which the counselors will import from our Commons, we expect to customize by grade level in the future. For example, explanations of magnet programs are of more interest to younger students. We also want to include some paths through the material to personalize by interest. We're still in the early stages, but this is gaining quite a bit of traction for us. I expect that next year we may expand the courses to include grades 6-12.
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