
Community Contributor
Apr 23, 2015 11:11:54 AM
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BA - Elementary Ed Purdue University MS - Ed Policies, Foundations, and Admin Portland State University 15 years as a Senior Account Manager selling and implementing NCR Financial Systems 17 years as a Trainer, Portal Architect, and (now) LMS Admin for Vancouver Public Schools

Most Liked Posts

Please, please, please give us a permissions report.  Before anyone contributes that we can print a list of roles through the API or a list of user permissions, this is not what I'm talking about....
Likes: 44
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Canvas admins need the ability to act as if (masquerade) as the teacher in the new teacher app.  Attempting to support the teacher without this cap...
Likes: 21
I realize this may be geared to higher ed, but I can offer a K12 perspective.  We automatically cross-list sections with the same course code and teacher in a building. For example, if a teacher has 4...
Likes: 13
Has anyone found a way to embed a Canvas course calendar on the course front page?  I'd also be interested in knowing if this absolutely cannot be done for some reason.  This has probably been ask...
Likes: 10
We're a mid-size school district with around 14,000 students on Canvas.  Our district has been using Canvas for several years, but until now we have not offered Canvas parent accounts. We're e...
Likes: 7

Most Recent Posts

Alexander, thank you for your response!Based on your comments, I thought I'd do a bit more testing on the access to enrollments. First, I enabled People in navigation.  Next, I accessed the course...
Jun 06, 2019 16:28 PM
I've noticed that many of our teachers have set their Canvas course visibility to public on their scheduled courses.  Some of these courses have submissions and grades, so the students must be log...
Jun 06, 2019 13:27 PM
Really helpful and impressive presentations!
Mar 11, 2019 18:48 PM
 @reynoldsn ‌ - We use a company called Goodheart-Willcox https://www.g-w.com/ for health content.  Their Canvas integration uses a combination of a cartridge import and an LTI authentication.  We...
Jan 07, 2019 12:14 PM
I like the idea of having term(s) associated with outcomes (and possibly outcome groups) that only allow outcomes to be used for courses with the same terms.  For most of us, outcomes change over time...
Jan 04, 2019 13:58 PM

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