[ARCHIVED] Customise your home page

Community Novice

Hi stefaniesanders
Thank you for your reply on the previous discussion Creating an inviting course home page here is the information, i think some Canvas users may be interested in this type of homepage. 

Now please bear with me as I have been teaching myself IT/HTML/Anything else i can possibly do to make my life easier as I am a lone wolf with our Canvas building for our company. My tech knowledge and ability is growing each day so i know for sure i don't have all the answers.

What got me to this point was from playing around with what i could possibly do to be different. Essentially, I just wanted to do something a bit different from what i call the linear model in canvas. I wanted a more "web page" feel with clickable elements to the different pages. I also made a clickable banner for each page for easier navigation. 

The course itself is an idea I had for a professional development "cafe" where users can come and listen to podcasts, videos and the like on different topics such as leadership, self awareness etc. It isnt live on our system as yet. 

Please let me know if anyone want to chat further created an image mapped clickable page (each speech bubble below is clickable) and then users can be taken to the corresponding page. I sued this crude  page i found to create it Image Map Tool - On-line Image Map Creator - HTML & CSS | Image-Maps.com  and no doubt there is a better way but it seems to work for us so far. 

Home Page


Example of a banner and page on the site


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