
Debra Russell
Community Novice
May 7, 2017 6:12:21 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Hi I am a graphic designer working at the Tasmanian eSchool, a K-11 online school.We are just transitioning from Fronter to Canvas commencing in 2018.I would be interested in hearing from other graphi...
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Hi Jacob yes clickable images can be fun especially for the younger students. I have used them in the past but haven't used them in Canvas so far.
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Here's an example of the Home page of one of our courses.I would like to have the option to make the page title visible or not, while still be accessible by e Readers, because sometimes it is not ...
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Hi Stoo,I totally agree the new RCE "enhancements" make editing much more difficult and time consuming and a few of my colleagues agree with me. I am not convinced that the developers of this ...
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Thanks Bobby. I find the Modules display is not that inviting particularly for younger students or for some of our students who have difficulties navigating online.
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Susan I totally agree with you on this. I am glad they are really looking at this new editor and taking on board comments from users. In my experience the new editor in it's original form only mad...
Jul 27, 2020 18:05 PM
This idea has been around for a very long time with much support and comment. I wonder why it isn't being acted on?
Jun 28, 2020 16:28 PM
No Judy it certainly wasn't designed by someone who edits pages regularly.
Jun 23, 2020 16:54 PM
Hi Nancy,I totally agree with you about this. My colleagues and I were just discussing this problem. I like the tick box option too. Ideally I would prefer the the window to remain available rather th...
Jun 16, 2020 19:16 PM
This is a huge problem for me too Isaac.
Jun 14, 2020 23:35 PM

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