Viewing my student’s assignment score
Certain course actions may seem to make course grades disappear, but there are a few steps available to take to help locate them.
Note: External tools have additional restrictions determined by the provider of the tool. Review with external app documentation, or contact the provider support for information on that functionality.
Open Assignments Index Page

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
The Assignments Index page shows the full list of graded items in the course including assignments, quizzes, and discussions.
To search for an assignment, enter the assignment name in the Search for Assignment field.
- If the assignment does not exist, it may need to be restored. Contact Support via the Global Navigation Help link for assistance.
- Look for duplicate assignments by the same or similar names, the duplicates may make it more difficult to view assignment grades in the Gradebook. Remove or unpublish duplicates as needed.
Check your assignment group names. If you have an assignment group with the same name as the assignment (e.g, you have Test #1 as an assignment, as well as Test #1 as a group), verify that the assignment is located in that assignment group, as it will result in an empty assignment group column in the gradebook if it does not. If needed, learn about moving assignments.
Review Existing Assignment Configuration
If the assignment exists, check the assignment settings. Click the name of the assignment [1], then click the Edit button [2].

In the Display Grade As field, confirm that the assignment is set to an option besides Not Graded. If the Not Graded option is selected, the assignment and grades do not display in the gradebook.

In the Assign section, ensure that the assignment is assigned to Everyone or to all students in the course for whom this assignment should be graded. If you specified a course or section, any students not in the group or section are included in the assignment and their assignment grade will not display in the gradebook. This applies to any assignment, discussion, or quiz.
Learn about creating custom due dates for a section or for individual students.
Review Gradebook Filters

If you have enabled filters in your Gradebook, you may restrict your view of all assignments and grades in the gradebook.
In Course Navigation, click the Grades link [1]. Then, click the View drop-down menu [2] and confirm which filters you have enabled in Filters [3].
In particular, grade period filters (semesters, quarters, terms, etc.) affect the grades displayed in the gradebook. You may need to adjust assignment due dates to match grading period dates.