Our team has been anxiously awaiting the official release of the reimagined process formerly known as “Idea Conversations” (and we hope you have too!). I am happy to announce that Ideas & Themes is now live. You can see this new process in action in this video.
Get to Know Ideas & Themes

Over the past 60 days, our team analyzed the historical open ideas and identified about 75 themes. A “Theme” is a grouping of ideas that outlines two things:
- the higher-level problems to be solved
- what value could be provided to users
As you begin reviewing the Themes, you’ll see that Ideas are grouped together in the way that makes most sense for the product development process. As Community members submit new Ideas, we'll connect with the submitters via the Community to ask clarifying questions and facilitate a dialogue to ensure understanding and alignment around the need. That’s the beauty of this process: it’s not intended to be static, but a dynamic way to continuously identify and prioritize the needs of our Community.
In addition to the video, our team has created in-depth user guides to walk you through each step of the process.
As you review Themes, we encourage you to subscribe to the themes that are most interesting to you so you can get updates throughout the process.
What Comes Next?
Mapping all of the open ideas to themes was no easy feat and, to be honest, took us longer than expected, so we will be rolling this process out in phases:

Referenced video and how-to-guides
Like any new process, we know we may need to iterate and evolve it. Please use this survey to provide any initial feedback you may have as you dive into the process.
We are really looking forward to this improved way of collaborating together. We know this will reignite a critical–and very fun–part of the Community in a meaningful and proactive way.
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