Community Team
Director, Community
Jul 20, 2020 6:59:24 AM
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Director, Community.
Master of Education with a specialization in eLearning.
Teaching experience Pre-K through College.
Outdoor enthusiast with a small farm.
Most Liked Posts
There are many reasons and uses for a Student Activity Report/Analytics that demonstrates the amount of time a student spent in an activity. This Time Spent data should be available for both Instruct...
This idea was originally posted by Donal Thomas in Community 1.0! Have a print button on the syllabus page for those students that would like to have a hard copy of the syllabus. There are additional ...
2 Million Members, Holy Panda! This Community continues to impress and excite us with every new season!
In May, Kristin took us on a history lesson back to the beginning of Community, and over the...
InstructureCon 0017 saw an exciting line up of Product announcements, with some features ready for release, and others preparing for release in the near future. We thought it might be difficult to rem...
Trouble remembering all of the great product announcements throughout InstructureCon? We've got ya covered! Here's the annual summary of announcements and resources. AnalyticsCourse Grade Aver...
Most Recent Posts
Greetings all
I want to assure you that your feedback has not gone unnoticed. This morning, the product team came together to review this thread and incorporated additional insights from the Instruct...
@GideonWilliams I know this is a side-step from your actual question, but it sounds like your instructors may love the Block Editor (Beta) - Instructure Community - have you checked it out yet?
Greetings @marjeta
Please don't be discouraged by the "will not consider" status, it's just the correct status for this idea as it relates to Canvas. This idea board is for Canvas...
Custom products allow LearnPlatform Admin to manage requests from Edtech products that are not yet available in LearnCommunity Library, or are homegrown.
This guide covers:
How to crea...
Customize the details of your product. Share product-specific resources and information with those who need it. The visibility of these details can be customized and shared with the rig...
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