How do I view and manage users in my account as a district admin?
As a District Administrator, you are able to see a list of all teachers within your district enrolled in the Student Growth Portfolio. You will also see the option to search for a specific teacher or filter a portfolio model at the top.
For each teacher, you can use the 'Actions' button to do the following:
-'Send message'
-'View collections'
-'Manage portfolio models'
-'Delete teacher'
'Send message'
This option allows you to communicate with the teacher via the Portfolium interface. They will receive your message via an email notification as well as a notification next time they login. Type your message and select 'Send'.

'View collections'
When you select 'View collections' you will see a list of the collections based on the portfolio model the teacher is enrolled in. Each collection record will have the status and progress towards completion defined.
'Manage portfolio models'
When you select 'Manage portfolio models' you will see a list of the portfolio models the teacher is enrolled in. You can remove enrollment in a specific model by using the 'Actions' button and selecting 'Drop enrollment'. You can also enroll the teacher in a new portfolio model by selecting '+ Enroll in New Portfolio'.
When you select '+ Enroll in New Portfolio,' you will be taken to the following screen and can select the new portfolio model from the drop down list. Once you select the model, you will click 'Enroll'. The teacher will then receive a notification email that they have been enrolled in the new portfolio model.

'Delete teacher'
Finally, you can select 'Delete teacher' if you want to remove a teacher from the system. Note, this is a permanent action and will delete the teacher and any information/data associated with them

If you click onto the teacher's name, you will be taken to a page showing all collections that teacher is enrolled in and their progress toward completion.