How do I submit an assignment on behalf of a group?
A group assignment is a way for instructors to allow students to work together on an assignment and submit it as a group. Only one group member needs to submit the assignment on behalf of the group.
Any attachments added as part of a graded assignment submission are also copied to your group files but are not counted against your user quota. However, once the file has been uploaded as a submission, you cannot delete the file. If you upload a file from your computer, the file is stored in the group Submissions folder. However, please note that if you submit a file that was previously uploaded to your group files, the file is stored in your Submissions folder. Files uploaded using the Rich Content Editor count toward your user storage quota.
- If you want to submit a file that was previously uploaded, the file must already be in your user files. Any files that have been uploaded to the group's files cannot be accessed through assignment submissions. Learn how to move group files to user files.
- If enabled in your account, Canvas plays a celebration animation when you submit an assignment on time. However, if you prefer, you can disable this feature setting in your user settings.
Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
Open Assignment

Click the name of the assignment.
View Group Assignment

To open assignment submission options, click the Start Assignment button.
View Final Grade Notice

A banner may appear above your assignment to indicate that your instructor has removed the group assignment from total grade calculations. However, this setting does not affect assignment submissions.
Upload File
To upload a file from your computer, click the Upload File button [1]. When the file window appears, locate and click the name of the file. At the bottom of the window, click the Choose or Browse button (depending on your browser).
To upload a file you already uploaded to Canvas, click the Click here to find a file you've already uploaded link [2]. The file list will expand. Click the name of the file.
You can add a comment to your group assignment submission [3]. Comments on group assignments that are not graded individually are sent to the whole group.
If you have access to upload a file from Google Drive, you can submit a Google file by clicking the Google Drive [4].
Note: If you want to submit a file that was previously uploaded, the file must already be in your user files. Group files cannot be accessed through assignment submissions.
Select Comment Option

If your assignment submission includes commenting options, each member of your group is being graded individually. If you want to add a comment, type your comment in the comment box [1].
To send your comment to your instructor, select Send comment to instructor only [2].
To send your comment to your instructor and all members of your group, select Send comment to the whole group [3].
Submit Assignment

Click the Submit Assignment button.
Note: Large files submitted using the File Upload tab display a submission status indicator.
View Submission
The Sidebar displays information about your submission [1].
If allowed by your instructor, you may choose to resubmit another version of your assignment by clicking the New Attempt button [2]. You will only be able to view the details of your most recent submission in the Sidebar, but your instructor will be able to see all of your submissions.
Once the instructor has graded your submission, the Grades link in Course Navigation displays a grading indicator. You can also see details about the group assignment and links to additional feedback in your Grades page.
- After submitting an assignment, the assignment will still appear in Assignments and in the Syllabus; the listing is not removed with assignment submissions.
- When you resubmit an assignment, you can only access and view your most recent submission. However, instructors can view all of your submissions.