How do I add an announcement in a group?
As a student, you can make an announcement within a group.
00:07: How do I add an announcement in a group? 00:10: You can add an announcement in a group by clicking the group navigation home. 00:14: Then click the add announcement button. 00:18: You can also add an announcement in a group by clicking the announcements link. 00:22: Then click the add announcement button. 00:25: Enter an announcement title in the topic title field. 00:29: Add content using the rich content editor. 00:32: After adding an announcement in the rich content editor a word count displays. 00:38: If enabled by your instructor, you can disallow threaded replies or allow other 00:42: users to like the announcement. 00:45: Click the publish button. 00:48: View the announcement 00:51: To manage the announcement click the options icon then select an 00:55: option. You can mark the announcement as read Mark the announcement 00:59: as unread edit the announcement or delete it. 01:04: View the announcement in the group announcements page 01:07: This guide covered how to add an announcement in a group.
Open Announcements

Open a group in which you are a member. Then, in Group Navigation, click the Announcements link.
Create Announcement
Enter an announcement title in the Topic Title field [1].
Add content using the Rich Content Editor [2]. A word count displays [3].
If enabled by your instructor, you can allow other users to like the announcement. To allow other users to like the announcement, click the Allow liking checkbox [4].
Publish Announcement

Click the Publish button.
View Announcement
View the announcement.
To manage the announcement, click the Options icon [1], then select an option [2]. You can mark the announcement as read, mark the announcement as unread, edit the announcement, or delete it.
View Announcements Page

View the announcement in the group Announcements page.