Item analysis and New Quizzes

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Of the different types of questions available for the new quizzes, which will have results in item analysis? The old style quizzes only had item analysis for Multiple Choice and True/False. Does Categorization, Matching, Ordering, Fill in the Blank, Hot Spot, Multiple Answer, and Numeric have item analysis results? I couldn’t find any documentation as to what will give results. Before I port my questions from Questionmark to Canvas, I would like to find out what statistics I can get. I would like to be able to get standard deviation, difficulty level, point biserial for each question. It would also be nice if it showed the response rate for the correct answer and distractors for each question.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @rsackett3 ,

Metrics are available for all question types. Information is listed in the article on the New Quizzes Quiz and Item Analysis.

After April 20 production release, all of the question types will include answer frequency summaries.

Thank you!

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