Learning Mastery Gradebook and New Quizzes Outcome linking failure

Community Explorer

The Learning Mastery Gradebook has huge potential but lacking on a couple key features, the same could be said for New Quizzes. One example of these two systems failing revolves around Outcomes. The LMG in combination with Outcomes on its own is great, however there are some bugs of which I reported on a separate post related to the students view. It has also been reported multiple times between 2020 and 2024 that New Quizzes are NOT reporting Outcome aligned question results to the LMG though in some release notes it is stated that this should be working. One thing lacking on previous posts, from others, about the LMG and New Quizzes not working was any detail of the course setup.

I will outline how I have course setup for testing these issues, what is working, and what is not working so that hopefully the Canvas team can see in detail what is failing to work.

The setup:


1. Outcomes are added with details on the rating scale. Note that for this test outcome 6.4 is exclusively used for testing the New Quizzes reporting and no other assignment/quiz references this one.

Screenshot 2024-11-15 093503.png

2. A short module is setup to mirror what a live course would include. I have included standard assignments utilizing a Rubric linked to Outcomes, an Old/Classic Quiz with linked Outcomes, and a New Quizzes Quiz utilizing an Item Bank containing questions linked to Outcomes.

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3. On the Outcomes page under Alignments I can verify that each lab, classic quiz, and new quiz report linked outcomes. Notice that the C6.4 outcome lists multiple questions that were linked in an Item Bank and attached to the M1: New Quiz which also correctly reports that it is part of Module 1.

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4. Testing: I log in as a test student and then complete all the assignments listed in the module. The classic gradebook reports the score for each. On both the classic quiz and new quiz I have tried earning a range of scores from poor to perfect to see how the LMG responds.

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5. LMG view of the same assignments and scores. Notice the C6.4 outcome with nothing.

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The LMG fails to report anything from New Quizzes, I have tried adjusting multiple things on the new quiz from various questions used, to linking the outcome to the quiz itself instead of individual questions. Adding questions directly to the quiz instead of through Item Banks and nothing will report back the LMG.

I can not understand why any Outcomes based links would exist on New Quizzes if it does not report the results to the LMG, clearly this should be a working feature but in 4+ years of reports on issues with it there is still no solution.

My question is... What must the community and schools do to report this issue any more to get Canvas to notice and fix it?

I have had my school reach out to support, I have talked directly to a Canvas rep who stated this should be a working feature and showed them face-to-face that its not working. Our canvas Rep asked to provide documentation of what I setup and what isn't working so they can look into it, thus instead of posting directly to an email I'll post it here as I know many others have the same issue.

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