How do I use Intelligent Insights to create a list of students who have no activity in their courses but are still active students in the course?

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How do I use Intelligent Insights to create a list of students who have no activity in their courses but are still active students in the course?  


I have tried the following statements:

provide a list of students registered in Fall 2024 who have no activity in Canvas  -- This query provides all students with no activity, even the ones that are listed as inactive in their class(es).

This gives me the same results as the first question.

provide a list of registered active students in Fall 2024 who have no activity in Canvas

filtering the above results to only students with an active status -- gives me 0 students

provide a list of students registered in Fall 2024 with no activity in their course. Restrict the results to only students who are still marked as active in their course.  This gives me 0 students.
