Quizzes - my jotted notes

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Speaker Jason Sparks: Session Quizzes - The Modern Quizzing Engine in Canvas


Enhancements have been made for Quizzes and they roll out on Monday. Contact your CSM to request access. Note: The data in the sandbox is not permanent and will go away at the end of the testing period. Including all data.

Features I particularly liked include:

  • The side bank option to go to a particular question easily to see the results.
  • Multiple choice answers that have precipitated answers. True/ false, yes/no, agree/disagree, other.
  • Can restrict file types. Giff, jpeg
  • Automatic grading and test pass back.
  • you can control how you shuffle questions.
  • time limit testing
  • Enhanced item types - hot spot - an image can be shown and students can click on an item to name it.
  • You can control how students see the responses to their quizzes. If you want them to see the correct answers right away, or after a set time.

Some Enhancements:

  • You can delete a students attempted test and let them take it again. This is good if their computer crashed and they need to take the test again.
  • You can see the IP address/location of what computer was used to take the test.
  • Every test will have auto grade and regrade.
  • Reporting - High score, low score, median
  • Students will also have a report.
  • Intelligent Item banking - if you change an item, it will intelligently ask you if you want to change it on all other instances where you have used it. If you share it to the Commons, it will ask you if you want to send out a notification that it was updated. It will also ask you if you want the question updated in the bank as well, or if you want to create a brand new instance of the question in the bank.
  • Students will be able to print a properly formatted test. Yeah! It won't just be printing the web browser.
  • Extra credit is possible! For example, answer 10 of the 15 questions, anything answered correctly after that will be extra credit.

Canvas is looking at the best way to name quizzes other titles like tests, midterms, etc.

Also in development is all or nothing percentage points as an option.


So many new items to look forward to and explore!
