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If you missed the hat building contest and the Partner Booths along the boardwalk don't despair.  You can find them in the Hyatt today and see what integrations they have to offer! Come check out the add in tools they have to offer.

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InstructureCon 2015
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Question:  Whch account will our digital baadges be found?  It changes each year. 

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InstructureCon 2015
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As the final day of InstrctureCon gets rolling, I'm both excited to go to all the sessions and enjoy one more day of fun and sad that the end is in sight. Can't wait to learn more cool stuff and then close out my second year. I hope I can effectively...

Community Novice
InstructureCon 2015
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Not only am I learning an tremendous amount of info in the sessions I am attending, but I am learning as much and more from the tweets, blog posts, and conversations with others. Not only have I learned, I will continue to learn. This conference has ...

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and I want more! I was pretty excited for this event and I’m loving it. As I overheard some people talking, this is such a different kind of conference; obviously some great professional development, but also fun stuff and meeting great people from a...

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InstructureCon 2015
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Flipping Woodshop​ presentation had some excellent suggestions this morning on how we can make Canvas take some of the time burden off teachers by sharing content with students outside of the classroom.  We had Welding, Parts Manufacturing, Computer ...

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InstructureCon 2015
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....the #instcon twitter feed makes you feel like you're at the conference!Also, don't forget to watch today's livestream of the Canvas roadmap at 1:15pm Mountain Time.

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InstructureCon 2015
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Did anyone else wonder how smart they were this morning after listening to Derek?  It was a timely reminder that no matter how great we feel or think we have done as teachers, we need to change to Student View much more frequently. I am glad he point...

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InstructureCon 2015
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If you haven't made it to a Movie Night yet - Don't miss out tonight! After listening to Olivia Newton-John tonight we will all be ready to sing along with Grease.  I have been bobbing my head all week to our Musical theme song as well.  Student-Cent...

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InstructureCon 2015
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Has anyone localized existing Canvas courses and reimported them to Canvas in the resulting language(s)? Any tips on workflows, third-party vendors, etc? I'd love any feedback, successes, failures, whatever. Thanks! What a great day today, not to men...

Community Participant
InstructureCon 2015
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I am amazed at Instructure Con.  Not only is it a place to learn about Canvas, but everyone here is a wealth of information.  I am in awe of the way Canvas brings like minded people together.  As a newbie to Canvas I am so appreciative that everyone ...

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InstructureCon 2015
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justjoe​ - Time for your secret identity to be your ONLY identity

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All four Canvas Community managers are in one place tonight! If you want some expert help on your course design this is the place to be.  People of all skill levels are hovering around laptops sharing what they learned in sessions today and talking a...

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InstructureCon 2015
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Math teachers of the world unite! Presenter wjames​ pointed out that Math principles haven't changed in 100s of years so WHY? do out textbook editions need to change every three years and throw all our work out the window. The solution he has embrac...

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InstructureCon 2015
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Apparently many of us have hit some pain points with our subaccount structure and permissions. Come check out the worksop presentation Subaccount Strategies​ where we saw a behind-the-scenes peak at one great example of how a subaccount can be set up...

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InstructureCon 2015
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At Jennifer Hunter's presentation, Herding Fish: Encouraging Faculty to Use Subaccount-Generated Outcomes and Rubrics I learned some very useful strategies.CREATING SHARED OUTCOMESI learned how to create a new outcome at a subaccount level by enterin...

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InstructureCon 2015
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How do we help students who fall behind?  Many of us have someone we know and love who has struggled with our system of education for one reason or another.  By the time they come home each day they resist and rebel at the thought of doing more schoo...

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InstructureCon 2015
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We're excited to announce that we have worked with the Canvas Community Team (CCT) to create a sneakyselfieswithkenneth​ badge with points that you can earn! Just take your sneaky selfie with  @kenneth_larsen ​ and post to Twitter with the hashtag sn...

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InstructureCon 2015
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Any one have any information on student behavior in an online course and how it impacts student retention and completion?  Attended a presentation on using student analytics in Canvas.  Realized that I do have assumptions on how analytics define stud...

  • 1 Replies

Two brand new users with their first week in Canvas under their belt attended the Canvas LMS Templates - Don't Recreate the Wheel​ to help them kickstart their course creation. @Michelle Perry and Susan Crohare know that there is great content alread...

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InstructureCon 2015
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During the General Session Jared did a fantastic job of helping us wrap our thinking space around the concept of Student Centered Learning.  He inspired, encouraged, and shared with us both personal and powerful examples.  The ideal can always be str...

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InstructureCon 2015
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Just met with our team who are here at Instcon15. Trying to figure out strategies on how to capitalize on lessons learned while we are here and how we can carry the message back to Administrators in our District who were not able to attend.One of the...

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InstructureCon 2015
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Great Presenatation​Any chance of getting a .psd file or similar of the handout? We would like to print copies to handout to our faculty.brian

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InstructureCon 2015
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As I'm sitting here in the canvas community session, I've had an Aha moment about my current priorities as an instructional support specialist and canvas admin. Currently I'm spending most of my time trying to learn the ins and outs of canvas, while ...

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InstructureCon 2015
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Using the API to run reports on how faculty and students are using Canvas.  They have writen several Ruby gems that are on GitHub to run various reports on Canvas usage.  They use their Beta instance to run the reports because they don't need "live" ...

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InstructureCon 2015
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​As I'm sitting here in the Canvas community session, I've had an Aha moment about my current priorities in my role as an Instructional Specialist. Currently I'm spending a lot of time trying to work on larger scale projects for my college but am not...

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InstructureCon 2015
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Choose Your Own Adventure: Personalizing with Canvas​ workshop this morning shared ways to drive enrollment and engagement by allowing students to challenge themselves and make their curriculum fun. By building options that tie their Core curriculum ...

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InstructureCon 2015
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During the last session on using Badges and Gamificaiton with professional development with faculty I had the idea of using that same technique in combination in our current online certification training for our faculty at San Juan College.  I am thi...

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InstructureCon 2015
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Students across the board all have needs.  Are we meeting them?  Use Canvas to engage and bring relevance into your online learning environment. We all want to be at the top of the Pyramid, but do you know how to get there? Kindergarten children, ESL...

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InstructureCon 2015
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Love the way that you can make an agenda. But when you look at my sessions there is no way to sort by the time of the breakout.  I keep forgetting which one I am attending when,  You can add a time tag but then you only see the breakout for that time...

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