Herding Fish - What a Great Title!

Community Contributor

At Jennifer Hunter's presentation, Herding Fish: Encouraging Faculty to Use Subaccount-Generated Outcomes and Rubrics I learned some very useful strategies.


I learned how to create a new outcome at a subaccount level by entering a name and description and how to edit the criterion ratings. There’s a menu to choose the calculation menu (HIghest Score, Decaying Average, etc.) She showed how outcomes can also break down outcomes into simiplier components using the New Group button. You can easily delete or move a group.


Instructors will be able to find these outcomes created at the subaccount level and import them into their course. The instructor will use the Add Rubric button while creating an assignment and then use the Find Outcome link to access those outcomes. The gold icons on the rubric indicate it is one that has been pulled from Outcomes, and not one that the instructor has just created.

If the “Use this Criterion for Scoring” setting is left checked, it will add the rubric points to the assignment. So if you’ve set up the assignment to be worth 10 points and the rubric is worth 15 points, the assignment will now be worth 25 points. You can choose to uncheck this box. To use this in speedgrader, check the box to “Use this rubric for assignment grading.”


In the Gradebook, click the Learning Mastery tab to view a list of students and what outcomes they have mastered. Instructors can export a report that is as a CSV file to further work with the data.


We can also create rubrics at the subaccount level that instructors can easily utilize in their courses. Instructors just click the Add a Rubric button and choose Find a Rubric. They can choose to edit the imported rubric.


At this time, Rubrics can not be shared in the Commons, but you could share an assignment with a rubric attached and the rubric will be included in the Commons.