How do I like something in the Instructure Community?
You can like articles and replies in the Instructure Community. Some spaces in the Community have liking disabled. Liking may also be disabled on specific articles.
Liking a post in the Community can signify several different things, but generally is used to show appreciation for or an agreement with the post you like. We encourage you to be generous with giving out likes in the Community as it helps identify higher quality and helpful content for other users in the Community.
Note: You cannot like articles or replies that you authored.
View an Article or Reply

To like an article or reply in the Instructure Community, find the article or reply you want to like.
Like a Topic

Locate the Like button [1] and click the Like icon [2].
Like a Reply

To like a reply to an article, locate the Like button [1] at the bottom of the reply text and click the Like icon [2].
Unlike an Article or Reply

To revoke a like you gave to an article or reply, click the Like icon. The Like icon will be shaded in to denote that you have already liked this article or reply.
View Post Likes

You can view how many people liked an article or reply as well as a list of who liked an article or reply. To view who liked the article or reply, click the X Like(s) portion of the Like button.

On the Who Liked this Article page, you can view the number of Likes [1] and a list of users who liked the content [2]. You can use the sort options [3] to sort and filter the list of users who liked the content.