Instructure Community Check-in

Community Team
Community Team


Tl:dr; The Instructure Community's mission is to provide information that empowers users to successfully navigate Instructure products and to connect with other Instructure product users. We'd love to 'check-in' and make sure we're achieving these goals! 

We know the Community gets used! 

The data speaks for itself–from January 2022 through September 2022 there were: 

  • 1.7 million Community members
  • over 16 million unique individuals visiting the Community
  • 43 million Community page views
  • 5,000 new questions posted
  • over 4 million questions with solutions viewed

We can confidently make some assumptions that you’re finding what you need when you need it, based on these numbers alone, but we don’t want to! 

We want to hear from you!

The 2022 Community Check-in Survey is your opportunity to add your voice and perspectives to the data. Please take a few minutes to share your experience in navigating, searching, engaging with, and sharing Community content. Thank you in advance!

Curious what we’ve been up to since our last check-in (2020)?

Community Participant

We can't get any help about errors in our PS SIS grade passback. I've posted here, I've sent in tickets, and our admin have contacted Canvas for help. No one is returning messages. The how-to articles don't have solutions for this particular error message. Help.

Community Member

Compass had a quiz function where you could weight answers to multiple choice questions. Why doesn't canvas have this?

Community Explorer

I wanted to thank you for welcoming us to the new year and supplying all the links and resources to check out! This is so cool and fun being on campus as an online based system. Completing the survey up above is helpful which was the first step that should be done just for guidance to "Edu" conference taking place too...

Advocate opportunities or more videos for both years are my next choices. The one rock climbing video should be viewed as well because it is the very first one out of the pick and introduces students to interesting characters you would like to meet!

Community Member

@BruceRosenstock i don't know maybe there is something you are not seeing try looking some more if you have not already. This helps me

Community Coach
Community Coach

1.7 million?!  Wow!!  And remember back to when we were 400k. I cannot wait to get back into the Community booth at InstructureCon 2023 in Denver. It is always THE place to hang out!

Thank you @Renee_Carney for this update and to your team for keeping this space going! 

Community Participant

Thank you for allowing us input and for keeping this space available for us!

Community Explorer


Community Team
Community Team

@adrew Apologies for my delay in response here. 
Our team checked on cases for your school's account and only found one that is currently with your local admin, so it has not been escalated to our support team. Please follow up with your local Canvas admin to see how they can assist.  Thank you.

Community Team
Community Team

@BruceRosenstock thank you for posting your question in the Q&A space.  I see that @Chris_Hofer gave you a thorough response here

Community Member

My question is whether there is a plan in the works to enhance the analytics that instructors can see in Canvas.  It would be very helpful if, in addition to seeing a student's access and interactions in terms of date, instructors could also see a student's access history when viewing an assignment, assessment, etc.  We get many calls about this in our eLearning department when students tell their instructors things that the instructors then need to verify, and it seems to me that this data would not be difficult to provide and wouldn't be a privacy violation.

I will admit I have not read over every feature that is currently in development, so it's possible this is in the works. Thanks!

Community Novice

I had a student submit the wrong document to assignments.  I cannot delete her submission so that she can submit the correct document.  Is there a way to delete her incorrect submission or is this impossible?  Thanks,

Community Team
Community Team

Hi @BethMay & @IngaNelson 
You can always find the most current development plans at, and more specifically for canvas:

Community Member

Not sure if this is the right place for feedback, but: the addition of the emoji button inside the speedgrader comment box is frustrating design. It obscures the text inside the box and interferes with cursor/text selection. I'd love to know if there's an option to remove it!

Community Explorer

One of our instructors worries about the use of New Quizzes: 


"my major concern was that with the new quiz types, during set up you can select to allow students to view their quiz results after the attempt is submitted, which in the current set up this means immediately after the attempt and once they close the exam/quiz they lose access to seeing the results. However, at the time we last looked at this, under the new quiz set up choosing this same option means that students can continue to see the answers and all questions to the quiz/exam they just took until the test date closes. So in an online setting where students might get a week to take an exam those taken quizzes and test answers are available to be seen and shared without any lockdown until the final closing date of the exam."


My co-worker called Canvas and a ticket was created but nobody has heard back.  This instructor mention that when talking with the Canvas help said this, Canvas had no answers to and didn’t even seem aware that these were possible issues."

Thanks for letting me give my input. 

Community Team
Community Team

@DavidW Thank you for your comment.  There is a conversation about that very thing going on over here: [Speedgrader] Move the emoji image out of the comm...


@pchessmore, it sounds like you'll want to subscribe to the  New Quizzes Hub - Instructure Community  where we post all of the most current information and communications around New Quizzes.

Community Member

Is there a plan to allow multiple standards to be selected when imported assignments go through grade passback sync and into SIS for electronic grade books? 

Community Novice

complicated to new user!

Community Explorer

This morning, my colleagues asked why their students cannot submit two different submission types for the same assignment.  For example, a Word doc and a Studio webcam recording.

In my research, I found this in the instructure community threads.  But this was 7 years ago!

Our workaround, for now, is for students to record a screencast that features their Word doc and includes their oral discussion.

Is this multiple submission types request being worked on?



Community Team
Community Team

Hi @KARENHENDERSON and @holimoch! As Renee shared, you can always find the most current development plans at, and more specifically for canvas: Those are the best places to see what's being developed for Instructure's products. Individual ideas that align with those projects will also be identified and updated. 🙂

Community Member


Can anyone tell me how to set the grade style for graduate students in Canvas?

Thank you


Community Member

I am Canvas admin for my district. I moved videos to a newly created Canvas course and I no longer have editing rights. How do I get my editing rights back? 

Community Member

Canvas has not been user friendly. I have heard good reviews from professors but not from students. The last two semesters my homework was often late or lacking images because of the exceeded limit on images. It will not allow me to erase old work to fit new images. Last assignment in discussion dropped me a letter grade. My homework is due in discussion, and I cannot turn it in. I have to show images of the work progress. 

Community Member

This is all so confusing