Comments on media

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It seems the comments option comes on automatically when I post a video. I do not want to use the comment option but cannot find a way to hide it.

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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi there, @CarlaPeterson ...

Are you referring to the "Display media tabs" toggle switch which you can turn on/off when embedding a Studio video into a course content page of your described in this Guide?  (Look under the heading "Display or Hide Media Tabs".)

How do I embed Canvas Studio media in a Canvas cou... - Instructure Community (

At the Canvas administrator level, there are two options available that can be toggled on/off.  They are:

  • Auto-enable Media Tabs when embedding to a Canvas course
    • Automatically enable Media Tabs, this option can be changed at the time of embedding.
  • Auto-enable commenting for Studio submissions
    • Automatically enable commenting for Studio submissions, this option can be changed at the time of embedding.

These are covered in the Guide: How do I manage Canvas Studio embed default settin... - Instructure Community (

I wonder if you might want to have a conversation with your school's Canvas administrator to discuss these settings.  Keep in mind that any changes to these settings would apply to all courses/instructors at your school and not just your courses.

I hope this will help in some way.  Let Community members know if you have any questions...thanks!

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