Canvas Studio Grades Not Posting

Community Champion

In two of my district's subsites, Canvas Studio assignments (the interactive, Edpuzzle'esque learning activities) are posting student grades to the Canvas Gradebook just fine. In another subsite, same district, the Canvas Studio assignment grades are not posting after the student are done taking their interactive quiz.

  • All assignments are created in the Global Navigation Canvas Studio Tool.
  • All assignments are brought into their respective courses via External Tool assignment type.
  • Yet, only two subsites' Canvas Studio assignments send their student grades to the Canvas gradebook automatically.

I feel like I'm overlooking a tiny checkbox somewhere, but I'm not sure where to look. Last year, when I was in a music teacher position at the same "broken" subsite, I ran into the same situation. Our sysadmin was not sure how to correct the problem then, and it continues into this school year. 

Has anyone else bumped into this problem?

Thanks for the help.


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