
Todd Silvius
Community Champion
K12 Technology Instructional Coach
Apr 30, 2015 9:23:08 AM
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I have taught music in Pennsylvania public and private schools since 1998 for all grade levels of my K12 certification.

Most Liked Posts

We are really enjoying exploring the potential for the course images feature in Canvas class settings particularly with emerging readers at the elementary level and especially with our English Languag...
Likes: 16
Cross-listing is a way of porting Sections of students in one Canvas class into another while keeping their Sectioning in-tact. Cross-listing is helpful for teachers with multiple classes of the same ...
Likes: 11
Messy, yeh, that's the word I'd use for both the TITLE of this document and end result of the Bb-to-Canvas import process.I helped manage our BbLearn to Canvas migration two years ago and it w...
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Hi  @qnguyen ​ and  @kona ​. We have repurposed the Assignment Tool as our Journal tool. It's not an exact match to Bb's Journal tool but it can get the job done to a degree to facilit...
Likes: 9
We've also found that if you have any courses set as a favorite even just one, newly-added courses won't display on the Dash. They are added to the user account but are available in Course/All...
Likes: 8

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Hi @cromijn  Thanks for your suggestion. I'll reach out to support. 
Nov 20, 2024 15:40 PM
Hello, @julian  I was excited to see your post. My district recently began our 180 day free trial with Quizizz, and we're also looking at Gibbly's more-direct export to QTi feature which d...
Oct 18, 2024 10:11 AM
Hi @KristinL I'm excited about the new badges released this year in the community. I was wondering if you had any badges available for issuing for community rank on the horizon (or if they'...
Oct 12, 2024 10:10 AM
In two of my district's subsites, Canvas Studio assignments (the interactive, Edpuzzle'esque learning activities) are posting student grades to the Canvas Gradebook just fine. In another subsi...
Oct 07, 2024 05:53 AM
Thank you so much for sharing this solution. It's exactly what I was looking for.
Aug 20, 2024 14:36 PM

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