How do I view Conferences in the Student app on my iOS device?
You can use your mobile device to participate in a course conference. This lesson shows how to join a conference and use the Conferences interface on an iOS device. The Conferences interface uses the BigBlueButton web conferencing system.
To use the Conferences interface on an iOS device, you can join a conference from your Safari browser or open Safari from the Student app. You cannot participate in a conference in the Student app. When participating in a conference with an iOS device, you must use iOS 11 or later and the Safari browser.
This guide provides a basic overview of the Conferences interface. To learn more about specific features, view BigBlueButton's HTML5 user documentation.
Open Conferences

In Course Navigation, tap the link for your web conferencing tool. The link name reflects the conferencing tool used by your institution.
View Conferences

The Conferences page displays all conferences in your course. New conferences, including in-process conferences, display in the New Conferences section [1]. Concluded conferences display in the Concluded Conferences section [2].
To view conference details, tap the name of a conference [3].
View No Conferences

If your course does not have any conferences, the Conferences page displays a No Conferences notification.
Open In Progress Conference

To open a conference that has started, tap the name of the conference [1].
Note: If the In Progress label does not display for your conference, the conference has not started [2].
Join Conference

To join an in progress conference, tap the Join button.
Join Audio

Before joining a conference, you will be asked how you want to join the conference audio. To use your microphone during the conference, tap the Microphone icon [1]. You will then need to follow the steps below to enable your microphone.
To quickly join the conference as a listener only, tap the Listen Only icon [2]. You will be taken directly to the conference.
Complete Echo Test

To test your microphone, you will need to complete an echo test. Speak a few words and listen for an echo. If you hear an echo, tap the Yes icon [1]. You will be taken directly to the conference.
If you do not hear an echo, tap the No icon [2]. Tapping the No icon will allow you to change your audio settings and retry the echo test.
Change Audio Settings

You can change various audio settings for your device. To change the microphone source, tap the Microphone source drop-down menu [1].
To change the speaker source, tap the Speaker source drop-down menu [2]. To test the speaker volume, tap the Play Sound link [3].
To retry the echo test, tap the Retry button [4].
View Confirmation Message

A confirmation message will display to confirm you have joined the conference.
View Conferences Interface

The Conferences interface includes four different areas that allow you to participate in the conference:
- Presentation Window [1]
- User Menu [2]
- Conference Tools [3]
- Options Menu [4]
View Presentation Window

Open User Menu

To open the User Menu, tap the Users icon.
View User Menu

All of the users in the conference will display in the Users list [1].
To open the chat, tap the Public Chat link [2]. To view the shared notes, tap the Shared Notes link [3].
To exit the User Menu, tap the Users icon [4].
View Conference Tools

The Conferences Interface includes tools to manage the audio and video elements of the conference.
To mute or unmute your microphone, tap the Microphone icon [1].
To leave or join the conference audio, tap the Audio icon [2].
To enable your webcam, tap the Webcam icon [3].
Open Options Menu

To open the Options Menu, tap the Options icon.
View Options Menu

From the Options Menu, you can:
- Enter or exit fullscreen mode [1]
- Open the Settings menu [2]
- View information about the Conferences tool [3]
- View BigBlueButton tutorial videos [4]
- View Conferences hotkeys [5]
- Log out of the Conferences tool [6]
To close the Options menu, tap the Close link [7].
View Application Settings

From the Settings menu, you can manage additional settings for the Conferences interface. By default, the Settings menu will open to the Application tab [1].
To enable or disable animations for conference audio, tap the Animations button [2].
To enable audio alerts, tap the Audio Alerts for Chat button [3]. To enable popup chat alerts, tap the Popup Alerts for Chat button [4].
To change your language, tap the Application Language menu and select your preferred language [5].
To adjust the font size, tap the Increase or Decrease icon [6].
View Data Savings Settings

To manage data savings, tap the Data Savings tab [1]. Data saving settings can significantly improve the performance of the Conferences interface when using a mobile device.
To enable or disable your webcam, tap the Enable Webcams button [2]. To enable or disable desktop sharing, tap the Enable Desktop Sharing button [3].
Save Settings

To save your changes to the Settings menu, tap the Save button.