How do I use Assignment Enhancements in the Student app on my iOS device?
If Assignment Enhancements is enabled in your course, you can view an improved assignment details interface and submission workflow.
If your assignments look different, Assignment Enhancements may not be enabled in your course or your instructor may not have used a supported assignment type. Please view the Classic Assignments interface for more information.
The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
Open Course

On the Dashboard, tap the name of the course you'd like to view.
Open Assignments

Tap the Assignments link.
Note: You may have to swipe your screen to view the Assignments link.
Open Assignment

Tap the name of the assignment.
View Assignment Details Page

The Assignment Summary header displays the assignment title, points possible, and your submission status [1]. Your submission status can be Not Submitted, Submitted, or Graded.
You can view the due date [2] and submission types [3], if applicable.
If your instructor added assignment instructions, they display in the Description section [4].
If the assignment is accepting submissions, you can tap the Submit Assignment button [5].
Open Submission and Rubric

To view your submission, scroll and then tap the Submission and Rubric link.
View Submission

The Submission page displays your most recent submission. You can view comments, files, and rubric(s), if available.
Submit Assignment

If you do not have any assignment submissions, you can turn in your assignment by tapping the Submit Assignment button.
Resubmit Assignment

If you can submit multiple attempts, you can resubmit your assignment by tapping the Resubmit Assignment button.
View Multiple Submission Attempts

The Submission page displays your most recent submission attempt. The Attempt drop-down menu allows you to view your submission attempts for the assignment. By default, the Attempt drop-down displays your most recent submission attempt.
To view older submissions, tap the arrow icon [1], then select a submission from the list [2].