text to speech

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Having an issue with text to speech recording. The button is there and I can record fine, but when I try to end a sentence and say "period" it literally spells out the words instead of ending the sentence, stopping me from continuing to give feedback. I've seen teachers use it in youtube for instruction videos, and it seems to work fine for the them using google chrome. What am I missing and how can I go about this getting fixed. Thank you. 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @trevorwgibson ...

I found an idea submitted from almost exactly one year ago describing a similar problem.  Please see the original idea and the response below it.  It appears this has been an issue with Google and not Canvas, and there doesn't seem to be a fix (at least there wasn't a year ago).  ☹️

[Accessibility] Could you please fix the punctuati... - Instructure Community - 558450 (canvaslms.co...

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