selective shuffling of answer options in a quiz

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I have a quiz where I've opted to shuffle answer options on all the questions. However, I have ONE question where I don't want to shuffle answer options. For that question only, I want the answers to appear in a certain order.

E.g. an opinion question worth zero points, where the answer options go in a descending order, likert-style

E.g. a question where "none of the above" is an option, so I want to ensure that appears last

Is there a way to mark individual questions within a quiz so that they are exempt from the otherwise global choice to shuffle answer options?

OR, just as good, to mark an individual answer option to force it to display in a certain position (e.g. "make this answer the last choice")

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning, @jmk50 ...

Are you using current Classic Quizzes, or are you using New Quizzes?  If you are using New Quizzes, I think you'll be able to do all of what you are asking.  In taking a look at my own sandbox course with New Quizzes, there is an overall toggle switch (found in the "Settings" screen of New Quizzes) for "Shuffle Answers" that can be turned on/off.  This would shuffle answers for all questions in the quiz.  In addition, if I were to select a multiple choice type of question via the "Build" page, I also have a check-box for "Shuffle Choices".  When I check that box, a padlock icon appears next to the answer choices that you supply...and you can choose to "lock" any answer choice so that it remains at that position.  So, if you wanted "None of the above" to remain the fourth option, you can absolutely do that.  Here are a couple Guides I think will be helpful to you:

If you do not yet have access to New Quizzes, check with your school's Canvas administrator or someone from their Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team to see what their plan is for letting you and your fellow instructors use New Quizzes in your course(s).

Hope this helps a bit!

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