new quiz and old quiz

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Are questions from old quiz compatible to new quiz format?

In other words: can you pull questions from new quiz format as well as old quiz format in a single quiz assignment?


1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @cmirajkar,

When a quiz is created, it can either be created as a Classic Quiz or a New Quiz, but it can't really be both.  It's possible to migrate quizzes from being a Classic Quiz over to a New Quiz.  It sounds like you're working with banks, which does add a slight wrinkle in migration from Classic to New Quizzes at this time though.  In order to migrate a question back to a New Quiz item bank, you'd have to have the item bank used in a classic quiz, then migrate that quiz to a New Quiz.  Banks which aren't currently associated with a quiz can't be migrated to New Quizzes.  If you're trying to go the other direction (new quizzes back to classic), I don't think there is an official process for that.

Hope this helps!


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