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how do i turn pacing off? how do i change due date

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@GeorgeFalls ...

Course Pacing seems to be a Feature Option with a status of "Feature Preview" based on this site:

Course Pacing (Feature Preview) - Instructure Community

Canvas administrators have a few different options to enable this setting:

  • Off for all users with no option to enable at the course level
  • Off for all users with the option to enable at the course level
  • On for all users with the option to disable at the course level
  • On for all users with no option to disable at the course level

In your own Canvas course, click on your "Settings" button on the bottom of the left-hand course navigation menu.  Then, click on the "Feature Options" tab.  Do you see "Course Pacing" listed somewhere on the "Feature Options" screen?  If so, there would be a tab to the right of the name that you can toggle on/off.  (This would relate to either the 2nd or 3rd bullet point that I described above.)  If you do not see "Course Pacing", that means the admins at your school have chosen to turn it on for everyone, and you cannot turn it off at the course level.

As far as due dates are concerned, there is an easy way to change due dates all on one screen.  Go to your "Assignments" page in your course.  Click on the three-dot kebab icon just to the right of the "+ Assignment" button at the top right corner of your screen.  From the small menu that appears, choose "Edit Assignment Dates".  Here is a Guide for you...

How do I bulk update due dates and availability dates as an instructor?

I hope this info will be of some help to you.  Let Community members know if you have any questions about this...thanks!

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