changed the format of the quiz after it was due and the grades do not show automatically

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I changed a few quizzes in my course to pull the questions from a bank instead of using the questions in the quiz itself. Now the scores for some of the quizzes are hidden under some kind rectangle icon in the gradebook. (see attached screencap under week 1)

Are these scores counted towards the grade? if I click on any one of them, I see the grades they have. How do I make it so that the scores show up on the gradebook for myself and students? 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning, @SeanKim ...

I believe you will need to go to the SpeedGrader for this particular quiz and go through each student that has the icon that you are seeing in on your "Grades" page.  When you go to the SpeedGrader for the quiz, you may see some messages at the top of the screen (in a reddish-pink color) saying that some questions need to be graded (for example, essay questions).  For example:

Screenshot 2023-03-14 085957.jpg

Make sure that each question in the quiz has a score, and then at the very bottom of the questions, there should be an "Update Scores" button.  Go back to your "Grades" page (refresh your screen if necessary), and this *should* display a score there instead of that icon.  Go through each of your students, and then you should see a score there on your "Grades" page.

I hope this helps a bit.  Sing out if you have any questions...thanks!

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